Sunday, March 30, 2014

Flames of blue

 Here i am standing Face to Face with my big brother. I was slightly taller then him that was one advantage over him far as human forms go but he was quicker while i was all about power. he had our mother's hair short and black with eyes a darker shade of  blue. "miss me little brother?" he said smiling as if everything was alright. "you;re getting bold Micheal. you never would stand before me like this." i said slowly turning into a werewolf. he smiled and took off his brown cargo coat he was wearing just a grey tank top under it. Revealing his Tattoos he smile " i have a gift brother. surely you recognize these symbols." He said as the tattoos glow red and blue. Now i knew why Micheal was so bold "Richards, you guys better get behind me" i said. i turn completely now my fur as white as the snow. Micheal laugh as the snow under him turn to water raising his hand blue flames surrounded him. I roar sending off a shock-wave of sound at him. Neither him or the flames bother to move his face went from laughter to emptiness it was as if his soul left him. raising his hand again this time waving it like he was clearing a table the flames comes at me. thinking fast i push Richards and his men aside just barley dodging the flames. They engulf the chopper causing it to explode in blue flames. Some of the fire caught one of Richards men and just like that that man was cover in flames.
 "W..What was that." Richards said his voice full of fear. i had block the flames with some magic of my own being in this form i could only use a small amount of magic. " its magic, Black arts powerful magic as well only known to high Sorcerers. How did you come into such power Micheal?" i said. Micheal didn't say anything the sky above me got brighter suddenly. i look up to see a meteor of Blue flame falling towards me.  it was to big to dodge so i turn back to my human form and use magic of my own. thinking fast i made two portal one over me and him trying to the meteor land on him but instead he jump into the portal coming out over me just as the meteor landed where he was. he launch a fury of fist and kicks i did my best to block and dodge but it was to much before long i was taking punches and kicks to the head. his face still had no expression on it. i finally manage to kick him back but not before placing a seal on his neck. " Richards call for a evac now!" i yelled. "already did" he said helping the other solider up to his feet. Micheal charge me again this time i was ready i conjure 3 spears to fight at my side but Micheal had a plan of his own he conjure 6 swords as he rust me. my spears did they're job keeping him at a distance as i was focusing another spell all i had to do was hold out.

    The fight felt like hours had pass i started to hear choppers coming. Micheal finally got the jump on me. he rust a sword into my right arm leaving it there as he jump back and just as i was about to pull it out he made it explode on me. i flew off into a tree knocking it down my arm gone. the spell was almost ready i rose to my feet blood falling from my arm so i turn werewolf growing back my arm. Rusting him he sent his swords at me but i was moving to fast for them to him me i lunge at him he jump back again making the ice form around my legs. i couldn't move the ice form up to my neck leaving my head expose. Micheal walk towards me calling back one of his swords. Trying my best to break free but i couldn't. Richards pull out his gun and started firing at Micheal. Micheal ignore the shots steadily walking towards me. he got ready to swing his blade and just as he did the seal on his neck blew up sending him into the woods. the choppers had finally arrived Richard point to the woods where Micheal was ordering them to fire. the choppers fire on the woods flatten trees and setting fire to everything in it. Richards signal one of the chopper to drop a line to him. as he ran to my aid just as he got to me the ice i was covered in started to glow blue. Micheal came out of it not a single wound on him. he grab Richards by his left arm holding him in the air. "let him go!" i yelled. Richards reach for his gun with his right. Micheal then crush his arm in his hands the scream Richards made was something i never heard before out of a man. Micheal drop him and kick him aside and just looking at the choppers Micheal set them on fire. he look at me eyes as cold if not colder then the ice i was covered in. Grabbing me by the neck he snatch me out the ice and turn me human i didn't know now but mu body started to feel weak off in the distance behind him i could see her Serafina standing behind him in the woods. they knew i was coming they we're waiting to catch me for what i didn't know but my vision faded and before long i was out.

  i woke chain to wall in a cage the smell of human blood was strong. i look around 17 cages i was surround by 4 had humans in them a boy only 3 a woman in her 20s and 2 men looking to be in there late 30s early 40s. i tired turning into a werewolf the chain tighten round me and the shackle cut into my wrist stopping me. i pant heavily the little boy look at me his eyes nearly lifeless i notice the plate by filled with food but he look as if he hadn't eaten in days. i look over at the older men one of them had been biting at his arm down to the bone his mouth dried with blood his right eye was gone and leg. the brown hair he had all but fallen out the way he look he should have been dead seems that the chains also keep you alive. The other look at me "Where are we?" i ask. The older mean laugh and scream "HELL!!!!" the he pass out. i heard a door open not to far from me two pair of foot steps coming down the Hall. "tsk tsk tsk should have train your self better little brother. you might had stood a better chance. though i admit planting a God seal on me was impressive even left a scar" said Micheal coming to my cage showing his neck. so i had wounded him but only a little. His whole attitude was different from before as if he was two people in one. "hello Nathaniel. how have you been? ". Serafina stood before me her and Micheal she with a eerie look on her face with her golden eyes and long white hair she stood about 5'7 surprisingly fit for a supposed dead woman. "Thought i killed you." i said pulling at the chains. "you of all people should know they only way to kill a witch is to burn her. something you did not do" she said opening the cage. she step in  her hand touching my face as if she was my lover. i wanted to rip off her head and she could tell she smiled and kiss my cheek. Then stab me in the side with her hand. she walk away from me over to the woman cage up the woman wasn't chain to the walls at all just in the cage like a dog. "i been working on something for werewolves something to finally fight them in the day" she said holding her hand over the cage letting her bloody hand drip  the woman turn into something i only read about she grew wing and her skin peeled off showing off a blackish red texture it was a demon in the flesh....

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