Tuesday, March 25, 2014

that folder

 Here i am in a hole mangle beaten all but dead. As i look up see people looking down on me. Men and woman cover their mouths and hiding the eyes of their young ones. i try to see what state i am in. i feel no pain but i can't move my legs. i look down to see my legs and nose first into them is a Semi truck. i try and lean up only to find out my left arm is broken. Luckily my right arm was still willing and able i lean on it trying to pick myself up into a siting position. suddenly i heard the people above me scream. i look up and see a large figure standing above me. the air cool suddenly...i could see my breath. Desperately i tried to get my legs free the large figure  open his hand conjuring a scythe out of thin air. i couldn't move no matter how hard i tried. the figure swung and i held up my right arm.


 Found my self in my bed room in a cold sweat breathing heavy. moving to sit on the side of the bed i turn on the lamp and started to catch my breath. "Gotta stop having that dream Nathan?" i thought to my self. a light knock came from my door as it slowly creep open. "Daddy?" said a small voice of a 5 year old girl coming from behind the door. I smiled. "what are you doing up Josephine?" I said walking to the door. she came in with her white teddy in her arms. "i heard you talking in you sleep again i got worried" she said as i kneel down kissing her forehead "Daddy's ok go back to bed" just as i finish speaking Josephine ran to my bed jumping up under the covers. I let out a deep sigh walking to my bed. "what are you doing now?" i said with a smile. "Protecting my Daddy." she said. Josephine was always like this when i had nightmares. she worried that might do what her mother did only a year ago. and she has good reason to worry i been dreaming about death for months now almost like her mother.

  i slept easy the rest of the night when i awoke Josephine was still sleep. i decided not to wake her it is a Saturday anyway. i went down stairs of out 6 bedroom home to make breakfast. i turn on the kitchen TV the news was on. The reported said its was going to rain Sunday. pretty much had no other news to me after that so i turn it down and started cooking. i made Josephines' favorite this time chocolate pancakes with a side of eggs and  bite size sausages. while eating some my self i fix her plate on a bed tray and headed up stairs. by then she had awoken, watching cartoons "M'lady, i bring the morning feast" i said bowing at the entrance of my bedroom. she smile sitting her teddy beside her as i place the bed-tray on her lap "chocolate pancakes yum!!" she said with such joy she pour some syrupy on the pancakes and began eating i padded her on the head a walk over to the window opening the red curtain cover with black lace. i open the window letting in some fresh air. My house was located in the mountains of  Colorado we was about 2 or 3 hours from the city life was quite simple or so it seem after Josephine was done eating had go clean her self up as i work outside waiting for that truck to come.


   It was now high noon and a black SUV pulled up as i was chopping firewood. i frown at the sight of it "please don't let it be Richards, please don't let it be Richards" i said to myself as the door of the suv open a female came out 5'6 redhead wearing a suit and shades its wasn't Richards so i was relieved she looked around gun hosteler on her side next to her badge she had a folder in her right hand. she look at me finally walk over and sides me up i drop my axe in to the tree stomp and wipe the sweat from my forehead "Nathan Reeds, gotta job for you one you might be interested in" she said. "is this so and you are" i ask grabbing a beer from the cooler behind me. "oh, sorry my name is Jessica Portman" she said removing her shades showing of her hazel eye. i heard the car door open and close from the SUV again. it was Richards standing 6'2 only and inch shorter then me bald, green eyes heavy set and a smile that made me wanna get the axe next to me and ram it in his face. "Reeds how you been?" he said spitting tobacco on the ground. "i was better" i said faking a smile. "thats good that real good, where the lil one?" he ask chewing more tobacco
"she home" i replied. stood next to shoulder to shoulder. "aww dont be like that Reeds" he said spitting again this time wiping the remaining tobacco from his mouth and wiping it on my shoulder. i just so happen to be wearing a tank top. Jessica saw the angry in my face she showed me the folder to try and calm me. "we took these 3 days ago thought you might be interested." she said i took the folder and open it. suddenly i was shock at what i saw " this can't be" i look at Richards he look back with a grin.

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